Nia ‘Purpose’ Jones
Nia Jones has been in the natural hair industry for over 6 yrs and is a huge fan of educating her clients on how to care and maintain their natural crowns.
Nia Jones is the owner and operator of Nappy Sanctuary Natural Hair Salon and the creator of Nappy Magic product line. Nia specializes in the cultivation of healthy locs and building self confidence through the art of hair. She created the philosophy of Nappy Is a State of Mind Not Hair, and affectionately refers to her clients lovingly as Nappy Minds. Nia believes that self confidence and self acceptance can be learned through the journey of natural hair and locing.
She received her training at Ogle School of Hair, Skin, and Nails in 2010, but has been doing hair since she was a teenager. She comes from a long line of beauty professionals as far back as her great-great grandmother. The love of making people beautiful is not only in her blood, but she loves her craft and loves being able to coach her clients through the process of becoming natural, transitioning to locs, and the journey of self love and appreciation along the way.
In 2019, this journey led to Nia Jones joined the Global Institute for Coaches and Entrepreneur INC. as a certified life coach, and in 2020 will earn the hours and skills towards being a Master Coach in the area of spiritual growth and perseverance. She will be launching a new platform of Purposeful Conversations Life Coaching in the spring/summer of 2020 . Purposeful Conversations will allow Nia to facilitate personal and group life coaching sessions and as well as global speaking engagements.
Nia Jones is also a mother of two teenage NappyMinds.